Tagesarchiv: 29. Oktober 2008

Proposed Ride – Sunday 1 November

Tokyo-Takao-Yabitsu-Odawara(-Tokyo) 130ishkm
Ebisu Stn. 6:30am.
David’s Hse 7:00am.
Elsewhere as required.
Odawara – Tokyo via Shinkansen is 28mins and will require a bike bag (or several bin liners).
As per last Sunday, we should get to Takao around 8:30am.. arriving in Odawara around Midday at best guess.
<a href=“http://www.mapmyrun.com/ride/japan/tokyo/odawara/672333238563″>TakTakYabOda</a><br/><a href=“http://www.mapmyrun.com/find-ride/japan/tokyo/odawara“>Find more Bike Rides in Tokyo/odawara, Japan</a>
Any suggestions or route changes gladly accepted.
If you’re not in you’re out 🙂

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